Segmented mailing: how to do it the right way?

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Segmented mailing: how to do it the right way?

Segmented mailing: how to do it the right way? 640 329 iWEBAPP Web Design Ottawa

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Nowadays there are several strategies of contact and relationship with the customer that bring together and humanize the relationship of purchase and sale.

One of these strategies that has shown a lot of results has been the Segmented Mailing strategy.

To apply it, there are some steps you should follow to take advantage of the benefits it can generate for your sales and marketing results.

Therefore, in today’s article, we brought you important information about Segmented Mailing for you to apply in your business and enjoy the benefits that this strategy can provide.

In addition, we have also brought 7 difficulties for you to pay attention when applying your Segmented Mailing strategies. Let’s go!

What is Segmented Mailing?


segmented e-mail

segmented e-mail


Segmented mailing is a data collection strategy to use in prospecting, such as: email marketing, cold call, among others, which involves the management of a qualified contact list for the product/service you offer.

Thus, by sending messages to a specific group of people within a contact list you can have higher conversion rates in your sales and marketing campaigns.

Segmentation can be done with a vast base of criteria, such as: location, age, purchase history, recent activity, searches, registrations, etc.

But why spend resources and efforts to get the data needed to make a segmented mailing list?

There are several reasons with numerous benefits for which you should consider prospecting for segmented contacts.

First, sending targeted emails, for example, can help you ensure that your content is delivered to the target audience, making your brand an authority for the people who are on your list.

This can significantly increase the engagement of the recipient and, consequently, the click and conversion rate of your campaigns. In addition, targeted contacts can also help you reduce the number of emails that are marked as spam, since the content is more relevant to the recipient.

The following are 7 benefits of applying Segmented Mailing in your Marketing and Sales campaigns to increase your B2B conversions:

7 benefits of applying segmented mailing

The benefits of applying segmented mailing to companies are:

1 – Increase in opening and clicking;

The first benefit of applying segmented mailing is the possibility of increased opening and clicks.

This is because, by segmenting the list, you can send more targeted messages to the target audience that is interested in your product/service, which ends up increasing email opening rates.

2 – Lower rejection rate;

In addition, the bounce rate of your emails will also be lower, as customers will realize that your content is relevant to them. Thus, your email domain gains authority and starts to reduce the discards of each content.

3 – Lower spam rate;

The spam rate is also lower, since your content is customized according to your customer’s profile and the level of authority of your domain is increased.

4 – Increase in conversion rate for data collection;

Another great benefit is the increase in the conversion rate, since the message is directed to a specific audience that is more likely to convert commercial campaigns.

Thus, you can develop strategies to collect your customer data and formulate increasingly personalized and assertive campaigns.

5 – Better relationship with the customer;

Segmented mailing also helps to improve the relationship with the customer, since he will realize that your company cares about sending relevant content to him constantly.

6 – Lower cost;

Finally, segmented mailing also ends up generating savings for your company, since sending emails to a specific audience ends up being cheaper than sending to an untargeted contact list.

7 – Higher return on investment;

In addition, the return on investment also tends to be higher, since the conversion rate tends to be higher, which generates higher revenue for your company.

As you can see, there are many benefits of applying segmented mailing to companies. But it is also important to pay attention to the difficulties you may encounter when taking advantage of the best of your commercial campaigns:

7 difficulties in carrying out the segmented mailing


segmented e-mail

segmented e-mail


1 – Do not revalidate your contact list

If you have a list of contacts to send your emails, but do not revalidate them constantly, then you may suffer from the loss of potential of your campaigns. Without revalidating your contact list, there is no way to guarantee that your results will remain over the months.

2 – Do not have email marketing software

To send bulk emails, you will need email marketing software. Without software, it will be very difficult to manage your submissions and ensure that your messages reach all recipients (e.g. SendinBlue).

Thus, the best way to avoid this problem is to use a platform for marketing automation to scale the business processes of your campaigns.

3 – Do not have your own domain

If you do not have your own domain, it is very likely that your emails will be marked as spam. This means that the people you want to send emails may never receive what you send.

4 – Do not have a valid email address

If you do not have a valid email address, you will not be able to send emails. It is important to have a valid email address so that people can respond to your messages.

5 – Do not nurture your list

Segment your list but do not send content to them with a healthy frequency, the contacts on your list will lose the engagement that motivated them to enter your list. Thus, nurturing your list regularly with relevant content makes your contacts active contacts.

6 – Do not personalize your emails

If you do not customize your emails, people will not feel special and may not be motivated to read them. Therefore, customizing your emails means humanizing and individualizing the sending of the email through: adding the recipient’s name to the message or including an element that is relevant to him.

7 – Do not measure success

If you do not measure the success of your emails, you will not know if you are achieving your goals. Therefore, adopt metrics and goals to track contact processes during your business campaigns with your segmented mailing list.

How to get business contacts to make Segmented Mailing?

The first step to making a segmented mailing is to identify your target audience, without it you will not know who you are communicating with during your campaigns.

Then you must gather the data of your customers and prospects, such as name, address, date of birth, email and phone number to form a basic database for analysis.

Next, you should search for information, data and content to form your segmented contact list for prospecting. For this, you must choose which information is a priority for your business.

For example, you can segment your list by age, location, or buying habits. Each of this data generates different information for you to elaborate your campaigns and to decide which one is most important, you must know the market in which your business is inserted.

After segmenting your list, you can create sales and marketing campaigns to convert the leads from your list into customers for your business.

Step by step to get a segmented mailing list:

To be able to make a segmented mailing list in an organic way, you can perform the following steps:

  • Create a contact list with current customers;
  • Create segmented contact groups;
  • Identify your target audience;
  • Write a persuasive text;
  • Create a form to collect email addresses;
  • Place the form in a visible place on your website or blog;
  • Offer an incentive for people to sign up for your list;
  • Send them regular interesting and relevant emails;

Or, you can choose a product that generates for you a B2B segmented mailing list automatically.

Thus, you don’t have to worry about data collection strategies and focus only on your commercial campaigns!

This way, with your segmented mailing list you can send personalized emails, make assertive calls and offer your product/service to groups that consider your content relevant.

To get company contacts to apply your Segmented Mailing strategies, you can download a list of companies with advanced filters to generate contact leads. Thus, you can easily have the information you need to elaborate Marketing and Sales campaigns with ease.

Thus, you find the right information to make a qualified contact base for B2B negotiations.

I hope you liked the information presented, and if you need more information about segmented list, just send us a note to [email protected] or call us at +1 613 879-5266 and we will be glad to to provide all the answers you need. See you later!


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